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Photo Credit: Jwill Production www.jwilpl.com Interviewed b:y Andrenee Boothe aboothe@believersreport.com |
B.R.: When and how did you first become interested in music?
M.D.: I can’t pin point an exact moment that sparked my interest, it has just always been something I was passionate about. My mom told me that she knew I was musical as a toddler because I used to sit by the radio and accurately hum the melodies as they played. I stared singing as early as I could peak, and played instruments as a young child. My earliest memories have a sound track to them (Whitney Houston, Clark Sisters, Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson, Bebe and CeCe Winans, and Grace Thrillers)…It’s as if music was always at the forefront because I can’t remember not being interested.
B.R.: What is the distinct/unique call that God has for your life? At what age was this revealed to you?
M.D.: I knew I wanted to pursue a career in music at the age of 16, but it took a few years to grow into my writing style, vocal tone, and even accept that my primary audience wouldn’t be my local church. I always wished I would “growl” and “squall” like many gospel singers, but that just isn’t the instrument God gave me.
As it relates to the distinct call on my life – All believers are called to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ, but I think the unique gift of God has blessed me with is an ability to speak to the “un-churched” demographic; those who didn’t grow up in a Christian home and were never exposed to Christ. I also love working with, and ministering to youth. A lot of my songs speak to love, acceptance, reconciliation, and identity – issues teens deal with every day.
B.R.: In 2010, you released an EP, entitled “Shine” which consists of four songs…what made you choose those songs?
M.D.: The songs on the EP were relevant to where I was in life at that time, and happened to flow together musically. My goal was to display versatility as a writer. The EP is designed to take the listener on a journey from soulful sounds to a mixture of alternative soft rock and contemporary music. “Smoke and Mirrors,” the up-tempo urban track, was somewhat of my anthem. I wrote it within minutes after asking God for increased clarity, discernment, and wisdom. I was tired of being “duped” by my own naivety, and dealing with unnecessary situations as a result. It’s easy to get fooled by what “looks right” even when being careful.
B.R.: To date, what is your favorite song you have written and why?
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Photo Credit: Phinestro Photography |
M.D.: Two songs mean more to me than any other that I’ve written so far. “I Believe What You Say” (a song I co-wrote with my cousin Odane), is my heart’s response to God’s consistency and faithfulness birthed out of a period of depression and confusion. “When the dark starts to fall and the way I can’t see at all, you always lead me…” IS TRUTH!!! This song ministers to me and I hope it blesses others too.
The other song has yet to be named and only three people have heard it. It’s an honest song about our humanity and insecurities. I spent some time studying Genesis about a year ago, primarily the fall of man. I also spent time observing behavioral patterns (it’s intriguing and I’m a self-proclaimed nerd who studied Sociology and Psychology).
I noticed that many of us “hide” behind things. By that I mean we all have self-defense mechanisms that were built out of traumatic experiences. For example, you’ll find that most bullies are usually very insecure because of something that happened in their childhood. Many people use money and “success” to fill voids, and so on and so on… The bottom line is, there are certain voids that were only meant for God to fill, yet our humanity thinks we can be fulfilled pursuing other things. The song talks about all of that. I can’t wait for everyone to hear it. It’ll be on the album 2013!!
B.R.: Most song writers/poets are inspired by their own experiences. Please share one experience that led you to pen a song?
M.D.: I remember struggling with my body image. I was shapely at a young age and often mistaken for being older, which is NOT a good thing in Brooklyn , New York . Being harassed on the street by older men can be a scary thing. Growing up in a “holiness” church didn’t help because I HAD to wear skirts as a child (and I was a tomboy who only wanted to wear whatever my older brother was wearing). I always wore a pony tail and tried to wear bigger clothes to cover up my shape. I got teased a lot for other things also, so I definitely didn’t grow up thinking I was a beauty queen (lol). My nose was too big, hips too wide, I was too tall… you name it, I got teased for it! As I got older, I grew out of most of my insecurities, but I still didn’t think I was “pretty”…I couldn’t see the young woman I had become, only the awkward, introverted kid that got teased all the time. The Holy Spirit had me write: “Fearfully and Wonderfully Made” on my bathroom mirror during college. I could not take it down until I believed it. Not long after, my cousin Odane shared a song with me that he was having trouble finishing. It spoke to me, and I knew it would speak to countless others. I took what he started and finished it. That song became “You Matter”.
B.R.: You are fortunate to be blessed with the gift of creativity, how involved are you with putting together a single? Do you write all your lyrics as well as compose?
M.D.: I have my hand in everything: writing, composing, and producing. I’m involved in styling, makeup, graphics… EVERYTHING (lol).I have a very clear vision and I do my best to communicate that to my entire team. It’s my responsibility to make sure everything comes out the way God gave it to me. It’s definitely a collaborative process though. Sometimes I do everything myself but I prefer to collaborate, especially when it comes to music production (that’s how you create magic). The more creativity in the room, the better.
B.R.: What is the biggest misconception about Melissa McHugh?
M.D.: I honestly don’t know. That could be a good thing or a bad thing (lol). I don’t know what people think about me. Ummm *thinking…* hmmm… well, when in a business setting, people tend to take me too seriously. I’m actually a big clown and I’m always pranking my closest friends and family. I think it’s my “focused” face… I look like my dad; those who know him understand what that means (lol). Other than that, I have no idea … On second thought that probably is a good thing. That way, I don’t spend my time trying to cater to what people think, or taking anything too seriously. My job is to be authentic and please God. Period.
B.R.: So explain to us who are Melissa Dawn versus Melissa McHugh?
M.D.: Melissa McHugh and Melissa Dawn are the same person. Melissa Dawn isn’t an alter ego or an alias. Melissa McHugh is my given name, which will eventually change (lol) I won’t be a McHugh forever (just in my heart lol). As an artist, who happens to be a very private person, it’s important for me to separate what I do musically (as an artist, writer, producer, etc.), from my personal life even though the two often blend together.
No matter how dark the night, the DAWN will come and the SON (sun) will shine
B.R.: What is “Shine Ink.”?
M.D.: “Shine Ink.” is my production company, the umbrella which I handle all my creative business endeavors. Ink is simply a play on the spelling of Inc. (Incorporated), emphasizing the writer in me. When I copyright my songs, and publish them, they are published under “Shine Ink.”
Shine was an instruction I got during a time where I didn’t feel particularly “bright and shiny” (lol).
Isaiah 60:1-2 says: “Arise and SHINE; for your light has come,
And the glory of the LORD has risen upon you.
For behold, darkness will cover the earth
And deep darkness the peoples;
But the LORD will rise upon you
And His glory will appear upon you.”
God was speaking to my spirit and telling me to stop putting a dimmer switch on my life… by doing that, I wasn’t living to my fullest potential and God doesn’t get glory out of us hiding. One of my favorite quotes from Marianne Williamson is:
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
Thus Shine Ink. was born.
B.R.: Are there any other gifts you have besides singing & writing? If yes, what are they?
M.D.: Event planner, administrator, musician (piano and guitar), pseudo chef lol (I love cooking and according to my friends and fam, I do a pretty good job). Do those count as gifts?
B.R.: Do you have any upcoming projects you are working on?
M.D.: I’m working on a few projects:
Next Generation Research Project, a research study with City Seminary in NYC. The project focuses on the transmission of Christian faith and the spiritual lives of youth in our city; in particular the first, second, and third generations of immigrants to New York City . (I told you guys I was a nerd lol I love research, and am a big education advocate).
I’m also working on various urban adolescent mentorship initiatives, and my ALBUM!!! Whooo hooooo!!! In the meantime, you can check me out on my boy V. George Smith’s album “My Whole Life.” I’m featured on “The Best.” I also write and submit songs for placement on other artist’s albums.
B.R.: So here are a few random questions:
B.R.: Top 3 albums on your iPod playlist?
M.D.: Right Now – Black Radio – Robert Glasper, Ghosts Upon the Earth – Gungor, and The Brilliance.
B.R.: Biggest pet peeve?
M.D.: 1. Lack of order or professionalism.
2. Lateness – I HATE being late. I hate it even more if I’m late because of someone else.
3. Laziness.
B.R.: Stuck on an island what couldn’t you live without?
M.D.: 1. MUSIC.
2. A pen and book to write in.
3. Food – can’t live without that can ya?
3. Food – can’t live without that can ya?
4. My best friend --- gotta have good company if I’m gonna be stuck on an island.
5. OOOh and BANANA PUDDING (I’m slightly obsessed with it lol).
5. OOOh and BANANA PUDDING (I’m slightly obsessed with it lol).
B.R.: And lastly, what legacy would you like to leave behind for the generations to come?
M.D.: The value of authenticity, originality, humility, and LOVE. When people talk about Melissa Dawn, I want them to say, their minds were illuminated by the lyrics and diverse musical styles used to express the glory of God’s love.
Check out Melissa Dawn
Twitter: @ShineInk
Facebook: www.facebook.com/MelissaDawnMusic
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