Interviewed by: Andrenee Boothe |
Pastor, Kingdom Abassador, Author and Preacher. Pastor D. Aarron Sherron, 21 years of age, born and raised in Brooklyn, has a great call on his life. This great call has caused Pastor D to make an enormous impact on urban youth as well as leaders in the United States and all over the world. "Let no man despise thy youth, but be thou an example of the believers..." (1 Tim 4 v. 12) ...fully describes the life of this young man!
B.R.: At what age were you called to minister?
P.D.: I was called into ministry around 3 years old. I was very young but passionate and I knew I was called to do something BIG for God, it was and is an unquenchable excitement that I have yet to control!
B.R.: At what age did you preach your first sermon?
P.D.: Well it all began at 3 years old, during a Bible study service. But most importantly I really built ministry in the local barbershops and on the streets, whenever and wherever I was given the opportunity.
B.R.: Once you responded to the call, can you share with us your initial struggles and the steps you took to overcome them?
P.D.: Well quite honestly there are still struggles. Everyday brings a plethora of challenges that sometimes can be very daunting. I have always been a man of prayer, so that’s been my life line. Along with a strong sense of relentlessness because in the church world, your biggest struggle are those who are much older and versed than you are. I’ve been able to push past proving myself and instead resolving to always being prepared and competent in any environment I’m called to serve.
B.R.: How do you balance being a Pastor and being a “normal” twenty year old?
P.D.: Well, I think it first starts off by understanding that I’m not normal. Craig Groeschel wrote a book called, “WEIRD: Because Normal Isn’t Working.” It’s a great book that challenges mediocrity. I’m learning that I’m called to be “me”. Balance is ideally a goal, but I’m also learning the rhythm created with my life. Everyone has a particular rhythm. I am a person with a lot of capacity and responsibility, so I work hard and try to play even harder. I’m more of a home body these days so I’m always playing those little iPhone games and even my X-Box from time to time. I also enjoy long walks, so I regularly walk the Brooklyn Bridge and other spots throughout the City as a refresher. These days I definitely am learning to get more rest and pace myself!
B.R.: At the age of 16, you published your first book entitled “Popularity is not Enough: Principles for Overcoming Defeat”. That is an interesting title which says a lot in itself, what are some of these Principles to overcoming defeat?
P.D.: Wow…. It’s honestly been a long time and I’m currently working on a re-write for a digital edition due this summer. Umm …. I’ve made a sub-title but I’ll say this. Conformity is killing us. Defeat, despair, and depression all are heavily crushing the human soul. We have push past the mundane and thrust ourselves into the eternal mandate for our lives. It will not be popular, but it will be the perfect will of God. I believe many people will be disappointed when they die and go to heaven, because they’ll realize how much more they could’ve had on earth. Perception is our key to reality. Whatever we perceive, we believe. That’s why ignorance is such a vital weapon in Satan’s arsenal. If I can keep you living below your potential, ultimately I win. These are just a few nuggets that I feel are pertinent for our success.
B.R.: I understand that you are now working on Book #5. What is the title of this book? What was your inspiration?
P.D.: Wow… I soon will be celebrating another birthday and I’ve always been a guy that has 5-15 year plans and I was reviewing a lot of things and I just felt like this was a season to scratch away old thoughts and dated material. It’s a season to “Dream Again”! I started teaching a series on it at the church and ended up spending almost 6 months on it. People were calling me from everywhere to minister on it and it eventually evolved into a book. I’ve delayed the launch because I’m adding some more stuff and will probably go with a mid-June release rather than my normal release times around our annual STAND conference. This is just a season for the body of Christ and the world to, “Dream Again”, and to trust that God has so much more in store for them. It’s a combination of my journey right now, and even where I believe I’m headed in the future.
B.R.: You also have a publishing company named “Pyros Publishing” tell us a little bit about that?
P.D.: Well Pyros is evolving. I’m actually is a heavy season of transition. It originally began as a thought I had back in ’06-’07, concerning the voice of the next generation. I noticed that other cultures like the Reformed movement or other European cultures of church, were forming “theological cooperatives” or mission movements in which the thought leaders who gather and write this forming a publishing venture. I looked around at my colleagues at the time and was very upset. Because oftentimes in the Black tradition of Charismatic/Pentecostalism we are very spirit filled but not scholarly. Pyros in its early form was an attempt to birth “charismatic scholars” through printing books and media devoted to bringing a new generation into the Kingdom. Today however, this has changed. My horizons have been broader and I also understand where the future is headed. Pyros, which is Greek for Fire, is now going to be engaging as a consulting firm geared towards branding, social media and leadership development by providing new voices and others with a platform to build their message with maximum impact. Our goal is to become a company that encapsulates a person’s dream, desire or vision and enlarges it with a timeframe that enables others to grasp it. You ever had a deep desire? Well if so, we’re here to make that thing become a reality! I also want it to be a social company where we contribute funds to World Vision and 58, organizations geared to fighting illiteracy which is something I am passionate about and extreme poverty. These two ills touch both our local neighborhoods as well as the nations.
B.R.: Where do you see yourself in the next five years?
P.D.: Honestly, I don’t know!!!!! I used to. Or I thought I did at least. But things are happening so fast. I do believe I’ll be doing more traveling, building ministry and establishing resource centers globally that will not only feed our extension churches but house information that can be utilized by the masses. Imagine gathering at the same place for worship that you do for jobs, financial literacy training, Entrepreneurship, missions, theological training and even dance/arts. A place where business are birthed and you are equipped with real life solutions for global problems. We want to build a resource center, The Kingdom Embassy, which will be much more than a church but a community that is apart of a much bigger movement.
I also plan to be married by then and will look forward to serving even more people through our philanthropic and entrepreneurial endeavors.
B.R.: What advice would you give to a young man/woman that is aware of a call on their life, but struggle with fear for standing out from the crowd as well as facing skepticism because of their age?
P.D.: Embrace yourself! Be comfortable with it. Accept that you’re different. Your strength is not in your similarities, it’s in your differences. Encourage others to be themselves and then you be yourself. It’ll make a world of good!!!! Also, don’t let age be a deterrent. If God called you, He will equip you. Study like crazy! Read voraciously. We live in a global society; people are much smarter than you think. Don’t be a know it all. Find people smarter than you and take them to lunch. Grow your capacity. Stretch yourself! Challenge yourself. Don’t be afraid to grow. Finally, make sure that whenever you stand before any audience; say something no one will say. Now, let me elaborate. Oftentimes we do like others in an attempt to fit in. Stand up firm and speak clearly. Let your mind do the talking, so make sure you fill it with really good content!!!
B.R.: Tell the readers something about Pastor D that only family and close friends know?
P.D.: I love water….Literally. I sit by water at least an hour or (2) a day. It soothes me, I have water music on my iPhone, it helps me to think! Weird? I know! That’s why I’m me! Lol.
B.R.: Tell me one thing that you always want to be remembered for?
P.D.: Honestly, one day I want my epigraph to read:
It lies a man who Expected Greater and got it.
Now, you do it!
I think that sums it up. My destiny is to help others find theirs. After that, I’m good!
Expect Greater!
Check out Pastor D. Aaron Sherron:
Twitter: @dasherronmin
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